ISLAMIC, al-Maghreb (North Africa). Marinids. Abu Faris 'Abd al-'Aziz II, AH 796-799 / AD 1393-1397. Dinar (Gold, 28 mm, 4.71 g, 1 h), Hafsid type, Fas (Fès), undated. Within a central square, ‘al-ḥamd lillāh / wa al-minnat lillāh / wa lā quwwat illā billāh’ (‘Praise be to Allah, and gratefulness be to Allah, and there is no strength except with Allah’ in Arabic); in the margin, ‘bism Allāh al-raḥmān al-raḥīm / ṣalla Allāh ʿalā sayyidi/nā Muḥammad wa ālihī / wa sallama taslīmā’ (‘In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family, and grant [them] peace in abundance’ in Arabic).
Rev. Citing the ruler with his title al-Mustansir billah, ‘ʿabd Allāh / al-Mustanṣir billāh / ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz’ (‘The Servant of Allah, al-Mustansir billah ʿAbd al-ʿAziz’ in Arabic); in the margin, ‘ḍuriba bi madinat / Fās ḥarasahā / Allāh taʿālā / bi mannihī ʿan amr’ (‘Struck in the city of Fas. May Allah, the Exalted, protect it with His grace on command’ in Arabic). Album 540.2. Rare. Struck from somewhat worn dies
, otherwise, about very fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.